Community engagement


Finsigma had distributed seedlings of fruit plants to the borrowers through its various branches.

The intervention was not limited to mere distribution but we had also taken steps to ensure that these plants survive through various measures involving the village community. The type of the plants was selected by keeping the long-term view of survivability of plant as well the benefits to the overall community.


We distributed masks and sanitary kit to borrowers during the Covid Pandemic.

In fact, Finsigma was one of the first Microfinance companies to educate the village level borrowers about the requirement of personnel hygiene and preventive measures to be adopted to protect themselves and their family from Covid 19.


During covid 19, Finsigma supported the borrowers who were badly affected during the lockdown by supplying essential grocery kit.

Since many industries were not functioning then, some of our borrowers who were working as labours there were finding it difficult to manage the family. Hence, we provided support to them through supply of essential items.